Been a while since I updated this thing. Pretty much failed my resolution/intent to invest in this personal space… Let’s try again. Here’s some updates:

  • Left Big Corp Accenture, now working at Small Business Wazo Communication Inc. Different environment(positively), different & new challenges(also positive). Telecommunication is an interesting industry, technically and historically. Lots of stuff worth learning, and I’ll be learning stuff for a while I feel, which is good.

  • Moved from urban big city life to a more rural/suburban area of another large city. Interesting life style changes, though subtle for a mostly introvert person like me. Worthwhile to try it out, will be moving again next year. But more gardening space, very cool even if much work!

  • Still have many half-started projects and project ideas, and much trouble keeping productive and motivated. Still think that getting into an habit of maintaining and developing this web space offers both opportunities for satisfying accomplishments in itself, and a guiding light/spine/rich soil/other metaphor to support other experiments.

What I’d really like to do next here:

  • gather, develop and publish personal knowledge/notes graph. This is a popular thing it seems, lots of good examples out there. Can go into lots of more or less complex directions. At its basic level, it’s a way to produce more content cheaply, which is a way to pratice web publishing and get confortable with it. It is also a way to experiment and learn UI-oriented programming. link to project page?
  • improve publishing pipeline. Don’t overthink and overengineer it, just incremental and basic automations, such as CI/CD. link to project page?
  • dynamic micro-publishing server(i.e. micropub). I’d like to build a micropub server for fun and intellectual profits, but maybe just deploy an existing implementation and see how well it can to project page?
  • Publish more about music(work on and maintain tops pages, CD & Vinyl inventories, currently listenings). This should be made easier with micropub.Look here.
  • continue improving indieweb-friendlyness.
  • add and maintain project pages, minimally as journal-style progress notes. Maybe here?

To the next time, hopefully soon!